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Title: Realms Of Gold
Authors: H. A. Treble G. H. Vallins
Issue Date: 1939
Publisher: Collins Clear-Type Press, London And Glasgow
Abstract: M u c h h av e I tra v e ll’d in th e realm s o f gold A n d m a n y goodly states a n d kingdom s seen ; R o u n d m a n y w estern islands h av e I been W h ich b ard s in fealty to A pollo hold. O ft o n o n e w ide expanse h a d I been to ld T h a t d ee p -b ro w ’d H o m e r ru led as his dem esne Y et d id I n ev er b re a th e its p u re serene T ill I h e a rd C h a p m a n speak o u t lo u d a n d b o ld : — T h e n felt I like som e w atc h er o f th e skies W h en a n ew p la n e t sw im s in to his k en ; Ot- like sto u t C ortez, w hen w ith eagle eyes H b sta re d a t th e P acific— a n d all his m en L o o k ’d a t each o th e r w ith a w ild surm ise— S ilent, u p o n a p eak in D arien . J
URI: http://localhost:8080/xmlui/handle/123456789/1081
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